Ghost Image on Drag

For an example of working with sketch relations in a 2D sketch, consider the sketch shown in picture. The only relationships between the four lines are that they form a closed loop that is touching end to end, and one of the corners is coincident to the part origin. The small square icon near the origin shows the symbol for a coincident sketch relation. These sketch  relations are persistent through changes, and enable you to dynamically move sketch elements with the cursor on the screen. The setting to enable or disable displaying the sketch relation symbols is found at View > Sketch Relations.

If you drag any of the unconstrained corners (except for the corner that is coincident to the origin), the two neighboring lines will follow the dragged endpoint.
Notice the ghosted image left by the original position of the sketch. This is helpful when experimenting with changes to the sketch because you can see both the new and the old states of the sketch. The setting to enable or disable this ghosted position is found at Tools > Options > Sketch > Ghost Image on Drag.
If you add a parallel relation between opposing lines, they now act differently, You add a parallel relation by selecting the two lines to make parallel and selecting Parallel from the PropertyManager panel. You can also select the Parallel relation from the context bar that pops up in the graphics window when you have both lines selected.

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